Tinkle Hoy
Tinkle Hoy is a short film that delves into the journey of a young man named Noah. He confronts his childhood memories by writing a film about his past experiences. However, he is criticized by his screenwriting tutor for his lack of character development. He believes that he understands the character better than anyone else, so he is very dissatisfied with these suggestions. Noah doesn’t tell anyone that the story is based on his own childhood experience. Feeling disheartened, he tries to seek affirmation from his partner. However, as he continues to contemplate the script, his childhood memories gradually resurface – the ones he has chosen to forget and repress all along.
This short film captures fleeting moments and memories on screen, exploring the themes of humanity and childhood traumas.
Peihsuan Peggy Lu | plu001@gold.ac.uk
Angel Limbu | alimb002@gmail.com
Director of Photography
Jiaen Wenda Pang | jpang001@gold.ac.uk
Sound designer/Recordist
Yueyi Wang | ywang082@gold.ac.uk
Production Design
Qian Wan | wq022182@gmail.com