Shangyu Wan

Instagram: shangyu.susie

Reversed Yet Unchanged

This series of photos offers a raw, unflinching portrayal of the often unseen emotional dynamics in male-female relationships within the traditional frameworks of society. It stands as a stark visual metaphor for the invisible, yet rigid, societal expectations that loom large over personal connections. Here, the inversion of physical height parallels the subversion of expected power roles, where a woman finds herself physically towering, yet emotionally encumbered by the pressure for her partner to conform to cultural mandates of patriarchal society.

This project is a personal revelation and a societal reflection, unmasking the fragility of a relationship struggling against the undercurrent of cultural conditioning.

Reversed Yet Unchanged is not just an project; it’s an invitation to introspection. It encourages viewers to ponder their own ingrained perceptions and to strive for an equilibrium of power within their relationships. Through the lens, I beseeches us to recognize that while the physical structure may reverse, the essence of inequality persists—unless we actively challenge and dismantle the cultural doctrines that bind us.