The BA Journalism programme was founded in 2013 with a commitment to public interest journalism. The emphasis is on digital, with modules covering coding, data scraping and video storytelling to give students skills they can take into the workplace. Students learn through doing, contributing to a live local news site called Eastlondonlines as reporters, editors and video journalists, all working towards common aims of giving voice to those who would otherwise go unheard and holding the powerful to account through ethical, well-sourced and open journalism. All practical journalistic skills are underpinned with modules helping them situate the journalism they produce in a theoretical context. In year three students work independently on online multimedia long reads which draw on all skills and concepts learned throughout their time with us. What you see here are those pieces of work – covering topics from the union struggles to political art, feminist gamers, disaster preppers, Sami indigenous culture, whale watchers in Scotland and portraits of alternative communities in London, to “no-go” zones in Portugal - produced by young journalists with a commitment to ethical, engaged storytelling.