Denise Oyewole 


This project focuses on my experience being a part of the African diaspora through a photographic lens, incorporating my African identity into my everyday point of view without living there. Being born and raised in the UK as a British Nigerian made me heavily adapt to London’s way of living, which was the society I was used to. However, being raised by a family who holds their country’s origin and culture close to them simultaneously made a living in a blend of two cultures typical, therefore not needing to question it. But family trips to Nigeria made me aware of harsh differences, as I could not relate to their way of living and had not lived there enough to have the time to understand the differences and then adapt. While in Nigeria, I would want to return to the UK. Having returned, the confusion I experienced in Nigeria became more evident in London. I eventually acknowledged African culture through what I knew, and fortunately, I see pieces of Nigerian culture in my everyday life in diverse ways