Dillon Rana



Instagram: dillonrana

The Old And The New

The Old And The New: Abruzzo, Paglieta And Other Places is a compelling documentary photography project that traverses the landscapes of Abruzzo, featuring Paglieta, Lanciano, Fossacesia and Fara San Martino. Through vivid imagery, it paints a poignant portrait of a region caught between tradition and modernity. The project meticulously captures the rustic charm of old-world Italy, juxtaposed with the signs of contemporary life. Each photograph tells a story of the area’s rich history and evolving identity. However, amidst the beauty lies a subtle lament for the fading allure of rural Italy, where age-old customs are gradually giving way to modern influences. The photographic journey serves as a testament to the enduring charm of Abruzzo and its inhabitants, capturing moments that bridge generations and preserve the essence of a place continuously changing.