Paula Brunning
Instagram: paulaellekelly
Towards A Feminised, Ecozoic Future
Towards a Feminised, Ecozoic Future draws on ecofeminist and hydrofeminist thinking in order to explore the relationship between the human and more-than-human world. This installation challenges ideas of embodiment by reframing the way our bodies are viewed in relation to the “natural” world. It considers our bodies not separate to, but fundamentally part of the world around us, and it invites you to participate in viewing yourself and others as “bodies of water”. Through this perspective, it critiques the Western dichotomies that legitimise the domination and exploitation of women and nature through colonial, patriarchal and capitalist forces. By rejecting these hierarchical dualisms, Towards a Feminised, Ecozoic Future offers the conception of a feminised future that embraces interconnectedness, collaboration and coexistence.