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Let’s Get Physical

Jungeun Lee

Katerina Moschopoulou


Welcome to Let’s Get Physical, and let’s be honest. What did you learn from your sex education at school? Was it helpful when you were out there?

Sex education has widely become a significant issue to be discussed not only in the home environment but also in schools. The effective teaching of sex education in schools can be considered as a positive method for aiding teenagers who need all the appropriate information for their bodies in order to stay safe and healthy.

The majority of schools across the world, however, do not give sex edu- cations properly. As a result, students are not able to acquire significant knowledge that will be beneficial for their future relationships; sex life.

In awareness of the issues on current sex education at school, Let’s Get Physical offers alternative sex education to young viewers. In each episode, you are required to take an action which leads you to a different storyline, solely based on your choice. Through the interaction, you can learn more about safer sex in the way that you couldn’t approach in your class.